We often get asked about who can wear Liandra Swim - the short answer is everyone! 

We want to share with you ALL!

We want you to feel proud to celebrate and wear a slice of culture that is thousands of years old - no matter your heritage or background.

We love our culture and our people. At Liandra Swim we want you to feel, embrace and connect with that love too. 

So... If you have been wondering if non-Indigenous people can wear our swimwear, the answer is a BIG FAT YES!

At Liandra Swim we like to use fashion as a way to celebrate Indigenous Australia WITH you. 

We love nothing more than to create meaningful ways to connect, educate and share between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. 



Mon - Fri | 9am - 4pm AEST
Liandra Swim
ABN: 99 387 250 524
Email: hello@liandraswim.com
Darwin NT 0822

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