Changing Perceptions: Queenie Mackenzie | Liandra Swim

Changing Perceptions: Queenie Mackenzie

Did you know that all our swimwear pieces are named after ground-breaking Indigenous women from around Australia? We are passionate about raising awareness around the versatility of Indigenous women in Australia and want to use our platform to share as many inspirational women as possible! From now on we are dedicating Tuesday social media and blog posts to shedding a light on these women, who we hope one day become household names. 

First up, is our Queenie set namesake, the influential Queenie McKenzie. McKenzie was a fierce Aboriginal woman who was credited as being the first woman to begin commercially painting in her community. McKenzie was born and raised in the East Kimberley, which heavily influenced her artwork, with pieces selling between $8000- $92 000 (AUD). Queenie McKenzie emerged as a prominent commentator on the Indigenous experience. She actively participated in a number of solo and group exhibitions. She created a range of works from creation stories through to the violent encounters of the colonial era. 

Ms. McKenzie is inspirational for so many reasons and we believe more people should be aware of her achievements. We look forward to the day that both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people discuss her success as common knowledge! 

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